Under running condition the rotor frequency is scaled by a factor of “s” due to which all the parameters that are directly proportional to frequency such as emf and reactance also scaled by a factor of “s”. We considered the resistance to be independent of the frequency hence the rotor resistance remain same under standstill […]
Tag: Torque
In Induction machine both the stator and rotor winding carry current and produce flux due to which the resultant air gap flux is obtained by sum of the flux of the 2 winding and this resultant flux is responsible for inducing an e.m.f in stator as well as rotor winding. In an Induction machine rotor […]
When an Induction motor is supplied by 3 phase AC source on the rotor side and the stator terminals are short circuited through resistances the Induction motor is called as Inverted Induction motor or rotor fed Induction motor. This configuration is only possible for Slip ring Induction motor (SRIM) and not for Squirrel cage Induction […]